Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 17 It All Started With the Toilet Paper

I thought I was doing good. I had two fat rolls of TP to get me through the week until I get my next paycheck. But as I ran out of the roll on the holder, I realized I couldn't find the two rolls I had stashed away somewhere. I really should be more careful when I decide to clean up around here. As evening wore on, I realized that this was rapidly becoming an emergency.
The only solution was to run to the corner store and spend some of my meager cash on a roll. Might as well get a gallon of water and a treat of 50-cent ice cream. So off I go into the twilight on my errand. When I get to the counter, all I can find in my pocketbook is three dollars. Now I had just bought gas earlier and had broken a twenty and put ten in gas in the van. I should have had a ten and some singles.
I went back out to the van and dumped my pocketbook into my hat. I did find the watch I thought I had lost last week. But no ten dollar bill.
Back to the counter and told the man at the register that I'd have to return the water. Bless his soul, he dug into the change bucket and found all but 20 cents. He let me take the ice cream, water and the TP and said I could pay him later.
I simply cannot find that ten. I even drove down to the park where I had let the dogs swim for a few minutes since they were so hot. Nothing. I checked pockets about five times. Nothing on my desk, on the floor, on the floor of the van. I definitely remember putting the ten in my pocketbook and I didn't buy anything until I went to the corner store.
I don't even want to think about where the two rolls of toilet paper are hiding....

Ed. The next morning I found the $10 on the floor of the van - almost in plain sight.... 

Ed: Found the toilet paper days later while hunting for a book. Found the book a few days after that. Making progress....

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